Friday, August 04, 2006

I'm Back.

It's been far too long since I've updated my blog, so I figured it was high time I do so. I am in the process of creating my own web site in which case I can direct everyone there for updates. Hopefully I'll be better at that then this current blog. :)

It was a busy summer for me at work. The organization changed its name, so you can imagine the amount of work tied to that. Within all that, we decided to implement a remote access program called Citrix. Now, I have never considered myself that technical. Yes, it's part of my job as Office Manager to keep things rolling, but I've always maintained that I know about 1% of what there is to know about tech stuff.

Well, that's all changed. I have learned WAY more then I ever imagined. We launch Citrix and roll it out to the staff on Thursday. I am excited, but worried too. It has been a challenge to deal with doing 1 1/2 jobs this summer on top of trying to get home each evening at a decent time. I've complained a lot and been frustrated. But, it will be nice to have this underway, even though it will mean more work for awhile.

Cameron has changed a lot since June. He began July by starting to sit up on his own. He began August by getting a tooth and starting to creep. A week after that he learned to roll into a sitting position from the creeping position. A week after that he began to really CRAWL and then it's all just gone crazy since then. By September he started standing, then pulling himself up, then letting go, etc. He says Ma and Da, screechs, laughs, and shakes his head no a lot. He has cuts, bruises, scrapes, bumps. No fear whatsoever. It's been fun.

So, he's now 8 1/2 months old and has 4 teeth, with a 5th coming in. We think he has allergies, so we're working on figuring that out at the moment. Yesterday at daycare he dumped a whole bottle of syrup on the floor and crawled around in it. His daycare mom was in shock! What a mess and so was he! Pretty comical though.

Mike is liking his new job and has settled in to it. He hates the commute and it's too bad we can't carpool since we both work in Bloomington. But, the nice part is that we've gotten together to have lunch a few times. He is gearing up for Hockey season, which begins next week.

I would comment on that state of the world right now, but I'd probably get in trouble. Election time is going to be interesting, to say the least.

The Twins are in the playoffs!! It has been such a joy to watch this team as the summer has gone by. They've had their ups and downs, but it has been so impressive to see them come about as they have. It's a season that would have made Kirby very proud.

Mike & I went up to the north shore this past weekend to a wedding. It was our first night away together since Cameron was born. We had a great time with friends, nice hotel, great weather on Sunday as we drove back. Lake Superior and it's views are just awesome. I love it up there. Cameron and Grandma had lots of fun.

I'll let you all know when the web site is operational!