Friday, April 28, 2006

Another New Baby!

Congrats to cousin Michelle and her husband Dewey on the birth of their son: Cayden Andrew, born Tuesday evening.

Cameron now has TWO cousins close to his age to play with!

Sara, Michelle, and I are all close to the same age and grew up together. Sara was born in January of '74, Michelle in November, and me the following March. We were the Three Musketeers.

Now, how ironic is it that we all have our kids and they are all BOYS, at the same time? Jesse born in January of '05, Cameron in January of '06, and now Cayden in April.

The circle of life continues.

Monday, April 24, 2006


We've been taking advantage of the nice weather and walking frequently. Cameron fell asleep in the stroller last night and Madison pulled Mike around as fast as she could. Then we came home where both our 'kids' crashed for the night. :)

Again, it's been awhile since I've posted. I'm back to work, Cameron is in daycare. It's hard to let him go each day, but I know that he is in a good place. I still worry each day, with Monday's being the hardest. I did, however, adjust my schedule to allow me to have every other Friday off so that I can spend one more day with him. Mike has the opposite Fridays, so at least he is only in daycare 4 days a week.

Work is still an adjustment. I'm tired a lot. I don't get much done at home. I would say that if money was not an issue, I would elect to work part-time. I think I would need to do something outside the home at least a few days a week for a few hours, but otherwise I would figure out stuff to do at home. I was suprised to find that I kept pretty busy at home most days with Cameron. In some ways too, I also feel like my career is in the toilet. Being an office manager is not what I thought I would be doing at my age.

We are heading to Babbitt this weekend to visit the grandparents. They've only seen Cameron once, so they will be looking forward to seeing how much he has grown. madison will enjoy the opportunity to run around in the wide open. The ice is out on the lake too, which means it will be a joy to see open water. It also makes letting Madison out at 5 am a lot easier when I can just stand out the back door with her on the leash and watch the sun come up. Imagine doing that at 5 am in February, no sun, below zero, holding a leash out the door while you tell her to hurry the hell up!

I'm having surgery next week for an ovarian cyst. Wednesday-Friday I may be out of commission. I've never had to have any kind of surgery, even this outpatient kind, so I'm a bit nervous. Well, I guess I had my wisdom teeth out, but that's about it. This is done with a laser and 3 incisions in my abdomen. Freaky! I will be very happy to have it out after all the probs it has caused.

I will try to post more. My life is pretty basic. Cameron takes up most of my time and energy, all well spent. He has grown so much, I am continually amazed. Right now he enjoys 'talking' and it's getting louder as he learns that he likes the sound of it!! He also is in the early stages of the belly laugh when we make faces at him up close in the swing. Nothing makes your day more then when you can get your kid to laugh at you!